Picture of celeste off of the one by kiera cass
Picture of celeste off of the one by kiera cass

Don't get me wrong, I'm still team Maxon all the way but he's not as perfect as I thought previously.

picture of celeste off of the one by kiera cass

How could he act like he was in love with America in front of America, and then tell Kriss the same thing? It was just. In this book, my idea of "Maxon is perfection" was not the same anymore. I see that she thought that her beauty would fade away and she would have no reason to be in the spotlight. I still think all the things she did were horrible but I see why she did them. I always hated Celeste, until that moment. I feel like it was the only time throughout the three books where the girls actually acted like friends, and I was so happy! My favourite part of this book was probably when they needed that camera from Maxon and Maxon was like "Can I come in?" and the girls were like "No, we just want the camera" and they took the camera and slammed the door in his face.

picture of celeste off of the one by kiera cass

I also knew Kriss was a Rebel, since Elise was too obvious. And when the Northern Rebels and August and Georgia showed, I knew he was a Northern Rebel. I knew from the point in time where America shared Gregory Ilea's diaries with her dad that her dad was hiding something. I was rolling on the floor laughing (that's not even an exaggeration.) All this happened in the first chapter, and I knew I was going to love this book. When the book began and America was strongly flirting with Maxon and failed epic-ly, I first face palmed like 300 times and then I laughed out loud for a good five minutes. Please do not read this review unless you've read books 1, 2 and 3. Synopsis won't be included as it contains spoilers for books 1 and 2.

Picture of celeste off of the one by kiera cass